
How to obtain a license to carry a gun in Philadelphia

In this article we will let you know how you can obtain a license that will allow you to carry any gun in America. Once you follow our recommendation, perform a ffl ez check and you’ll make sure we were helpful.

Remember that Philadelphia has laws regarding the carrying of firearms, and you should follow these laws so you can truly be happy here. We will give you the tips you need to know about how to fill out a firearms application form in the police department in Philadelphia and more.

Minimum Age

You have to be 21 years old or older if you want to obtain this type of license. You have to be a legal resident of Philadelphia too. These are other things that you have to take into consideration

– You have to apply in your county of residence if you are out of your county.

– If you are out of your state and want to apply for this, you have to demonstrate that you have a similar license from your home state.


Head to the Gun Permit Unit to pick up your application from Monday to Friday. Open hours are from 8:30 AM. to 1:00 PM. You can apply only one time. You can also go to to apply for this type of license if you want to. Don’t use a pencil to fill out this form.

You have to fill out the form and applicable items completely or you will not be approved at all. Return in person to the above location so you can hand in the paperwork.

Things You Will Also Need

You have to provide the police department with these things:

– One 2×2-inch Passport Type color photo. You have to make sure that your shoulders and head will be seen in this photo.

– Purchase a money order for $20, which should be valid for a year at the very least or even longer. You have to remember this because this is the only way you will be allowed to pay for this application.

– You have to provide also a valid Philadelphia Non-Drivers ID or Drivers License.

– Provide two acceptable forms of proof that you reside in Philadelphia. The names and addresses have to match.

– Don’t use PO boxes.

– You will be fingerprinted.

You will also have to provide other things to the police department in Philadelphia to obtain your license to carry a firearm in this nation. A ffl ez check will be a godsend to you if you want to check whether you have been approved.

You have to type the first 3 digits in the form, and then type in the 5 digits that follow. You will have to know these numbers. Click the Submit bottom once you have finished doing this.

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