
Invisible Teeth Straightening

Nowadays, it has become pretty normal for people to get braces for their crooked teeth. Today people focus more on presentability and appearance. And a smile is a major component of the personality a person holds. And in order to straighten their jawline, there are many options available on the market which people can use. The new and improved methods have proved a significant step ahead in the dental care sector.

Although some popular methods for teeth straightening may include braces and other similar tools, they are incredibly unpleasant to have on your teeth. For this, there are now invisible teeth straightening techniques also available. Multiple companies provide invisible clear braces (จัดฟันแบบใส in the Thai language)and teeth aligners that may be deemed as an invisible solution for teeth straightening. These invisible solutions work in such a way that their appearance is of the same color as the teeth behind it. Hence, it makes it difficult to spot where there is something on the teeth or on the entire jaw.

Apart from this, numerous companies provide at-home teeth straightening solutions. These methods are incredibly private and do not require people to have their gum shields or retainers on the whole time.


It is a high-frequency vibration method for straightening teeth. It comes in a package that includes the actual instrument and a gel to use on the instrument. It may be used for an hour every day for almost six months to see visible results. The instrument itself costs $249 with a monthly charge of $83 for the monthly supply of the gel. It is one of the most secret and private modes of straightening teeth without having anyone knowing about it. While this method is highly effective in terms of secrecy, but the results take time. Therefore, it is a slower method than conventional braces or aligners. In addition, the total cost amount to $1895 maybe a little too costly for the general public.

Aligner Co

This company uses the original aligners methodology but with the convenience of never leaving the house. They come and take your jaw shape and your teeth alignment on a regular base and send you aligners to fit your teeth just so enough push could be applied to rotate the teeth into their actual-ideal position. These are entirely invisible and cost $110 per month. But this method takes around one year to show clear-cut results. For this, it is not only a slow process, but the cost accumulates to $1145 with discounts included. And although it is a cheaper method than the Byte, it may still be deemed as a little expensive. The drawback of this is that there is a little inspection of your progress; hence the process is so long.

Candid Co

This company specializes in invisible braces and fuse the ideology together with technology and sheer professionalism. The company requires the client to visit the closet branch for one time visit. The product itself costs around $2400, but precise results are visible in just a month.

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